Pál Weisz
MVM Paksi Atomerőmű Ltd.,
Technical expert SLR Project
Pál Weisz received his master degree in nuclear engineering in 1994. Since 1994 he is working for Paks NPP, Hungary in engineering department, ageing management section and long term operation project. His main focus was on operation analyses, ageing management of mechanical components and preparation of Paks NPP units for long term operation (LTO). Since 2008 he worked for LTO project and Licence Renewal program execution for units 1-4 as technical expert. From 2019 he is with Ageing Management Section. Launching the Subsequent Licence Renewal Project (SLR) in 2022, he was delegated to the SLR Project. He was involved in IAEA IGALL (International Generic Ageing Lessons Learned) Project from the beginning, and participated several IAEA SALTO missions (Safety Aspects of LTO).