Micah hackett

Micah Hackett

Kairos Power, LLC

Sr. Director, Fuels and Materials

Micah Hackett received his M.S. and Ph.D. at the University of Michigan in nuclear engineering and has 16 years’ experience working in the nuclear industry, nearly all of that time in the advanced nuclear reactor industry. Since 2017 he has been leading the programs on materials and fuels development and qualification for Kairos Power’s fluoride-salt-cooled high-temperature reactor (FHR). His work supports materials testing, qualification, and product development, tritium management strategies, development of non-destructive evaluation technologies for high-temperature reactor applications, fuel qualification, and fuel fabrication processes plus characterization of TRISO fuel. Previously, he worked in various programs on materials optimization, qualification, testing, manufacturing, and supply chain development for the sodium-cooled fast reactor design at TerraPower. He also worked on weld materials development and welding methods for Naval Reactors at the Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory, where he was awarded the 2009 Young Scientist of the Year Award.
