Anna Menenti

Principal consultant

Technopolis group

Anna has developed her experience in innovation management over the past 20+ years in both public and private sectors with focus on economic growth, through fact-based market and regional development, strategic programming and project management.

Technopolis Group is an international consultancy firm that provides research and advisory services in science, technology and innovation policy and strategy to (semi) public clients across the globe. We have ~300 consultants based in 12 offices across Europe, Africa and Latin America. We bridge the gap between science, technology and society, and help organisations to uncover the societal impact and value of their activities. In the field of nuclear technology we have worked for EU, national and regional governments, sector organisations, waste management organisations, campuses and reactor development programmes on topics related to nuclear medicine, medical isotopes, nuclear infrastructure, radioactive waste, radiation protection, human capital, ecoystems, security of supply, nuclear fuels and novel reactor concepts (Gen IV).

